73 rows where funding_round_type = "other" sorted by investor_region
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: investor_category_code, investor_country_code, investor_state_code, investor_region, funded_year
investor_permalink >30 ✖
- /financial-organization/quotidian-ventures 6
- /financial-organization/viola-credit-2 5
- /financial-organization/silicon-valley-bank 2
- /person/robert-semmens 2
- /person/teddy-schiff 2
- /company/abry-partners 1
- /company/atlantic-tele-network 1
- /company/ben-franklin-technology-partners 1
- /company/betaworks 1
- /company/brazos-group 1
- /company/chase-banking-corporation 1
- /company/chelsea-venture-partners 1
- /company/columbia-venture-competition 1
- /company/harvard-university 1
- /company/knight-foundation 1
- /company/metropolitan-equity-partners 1
- /company/national-institutes-of-health-nih 1
- /company/stagg-capital 1
- /company/techstars 1
- /company/us-special-operations-command 1
- /financial-organization/ares-capital-corporation 1
- /financial-organization/best-funds 1
- /financial-organization/blue-ridge-foundation 1
- /financial-organization/comerica-bank 1
- /financial-organization/coriolis-ventures 1
- /financial-organization/crystal-financial 1
- /financial-organization/deming-center-venture-fund 1
- /financial-organization/dfj-gotham-ventures 1
- /financial-organization/eniac-ventures 1
- /financial-organization/founder-collective 1
- …
investor_city 24 ✖
- - 25
- New York 18
- Herzeliya 5
- Toronto 3
- Menlo Park 2
- Santa Clara 2
- Amherst 1
- Arlington 1
- Bethesda 1
- Boston 1
- Boulder 1
- Chicago 1
- Los Angeles 1
- Miami 1
- Northbrook 1
- Ottawa 1
- Palo Alto 1
- Redwood City 1
- Reston 1
- Salem 1
- San Francisco 1
- Toronto, Ontario 1
- Waco 1
- Washington 1
Company_category_code 17 ✖
- analytics 21
- web 9
- advertising 7
- enterprise 7
- software 5
- ecommerce 4
- finance 4
- social 4
- education 2
- hardware 2
- mobile 2
- biotech 1
- consulting 1
- design 1
- fashion 1
- games_video 1
- messaging 1
id | manualSort | Company | investor_permalink | investor_name | investor_category_code | investor_country_code | investor_state_code | investor_region ▼ | investor_city | funding_round_type | funded_at | funded_year | raised_amount_usd | gristHelper_Display2 | Company_category_code | Investor |
4086 | 4086 | 1362 | /financial-organization/university-of-buffalo | University of Buffalo | USA | NY | Amherst | Amherst | other | 1243641600 | 2009 | 85000 | /company/sensgard | hardware | University of Buffalo | |
95 | 95 | 594 | /company/brazos-group | Brazos Group | USA | TX | Austin | Waco | other | 1251331200 | 2009 | 1200000 | /company/fynanz | enterprise | Brazos Group | |
3 | 3 | 1796 | /company/abry-partners | ABRY Partners | other | USA | MA | Boston | Boston | other | 1378944000 | 2013 | 200000000 | /company/xand | software | ABRY Partners |
30 | 30 | 1709 | /company/atlantic-tele-network | Atlantic Tele-Network | network_hosting | USA | MA | Boston | Salem | other | 1264464000 | 2010 | 150000000 | /company/verizon | mobile | Atlantic Tele-Network |
1868 | 1868 | 799 | /financial-organization/gibraltar-business-capital | Gibraltar Business Capital | USA | IL | Chicago | Northbrook | other | 1343779200 | 2012 | 3000000 | /company/kinetic-social | analytics | Gibraltar Business Capital | |
2608 | 2608 | 1799 | /financial-organization/madison-capital-funding | Madison Capital Funding | USA | IL | Chicago | Chicago | other | 1339027200 | 2012 | /company/xl-marketing | advertising | Madison Capital Funding | ||
340 | 340 | 714 | /company/techstars | Techstars | finance | USA | CO | Denver | Boulder | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Techstars |
4197 | 4197 | 1805 | /financial-organization/viola-credit-2 | Viola Credit | ISR | Herzeliya | Herzeliya | other | 1205625600 | 2008 | 6000000 | /company/ycd-multimedia | software | Viola Credit | ||
4198 | 4198 | 1102 | /financial-organization/viola-credit-2 | Viola Credit | ISR | Herzeliya | Herzeliya | other | 1222128000 | 2008 | 15000000 | /company/optier | analytics | Viola Credit | ||
4199 | 4199 | 202 | /financial-organization/viola-credit-2 | Viola Credit | ISR | Herzeliya | Herzeliya | other | 1051747200 | 2003 | 1000000 | /company/borderfree-inc | ecommerce | Viola Credit | ||
4200 | 4200 | 1800 | /financial-organization/viola-credit-2 | Viola Credit | ISR | Herzeliya | Herzeliya | other | 991353600 | 2001 | 2000000 | /company/xmpie | software | Viola Credit | ||
4201 | 4201 | 1800 | /financial-organization/viola-credit-2 | Viola Credit | ISR | Herzeliya | Herzeliya | other | 1154390400 | 2006 | 2000000 | /company/xmpie | software | Viola Credit | ||
669 | 669 | 1837 | /financial-organization/ares-capital-corporation | Ares Capital Corporation | USA | CA | Los Angeles | Los Angeles | other | 1365033600 | 2013 | 17000000 | /company/x | enterprise | Ares Capital Corporation | |
214 | 214 | 773 | /company/knight-foundation | Knight Foundation | other | USA | FL | Miami | Miami | other | 1288569600 | 2010 | 3500000 | /company/jumo | social | Knight Foundation |
49 | 49 | 175 | /company/betaworks | betaworks | social | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1266451200 | 2010 | 1500000 | /company/bitly | web | betaworks |
104 | 104 | 332 | /company/chelsea-venture-partners | Chelsea Venture Partners | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1311984000 | 2011 | 300000 | /company/consumerbell | web | Chelsea Venture Partners | |
235 | 235 | 1234 | /company/metropolitan-equity-partners | Metropolitan Equity Partners | other | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1329350400 | 2012 | 10000000 | /company/promac | finance | Metropolitan Equity Partners |
1166 | 1166 | 451 | /financial-organization/coriolis-ventures | Coriolis Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1209600000 | 2008 | 2000000 | /company/media6degrees | advertising | Coriolis Ventures | |
1256 | 1256 | 594 | /financial-organization/dfj-gotham-ventures | DFJ Gotham Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1251331200 | 2009 | 1200000 | /company/fynanz | enterprise | DFJ Gotham Ventures | |
1403 | 1403 | 714 | /financial-organization/eniac-ventures | ENIAC Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | ENIAC Ventures | |
1725 | 1725 | 335 | /financial-organization/founder-collective | Founder Collective | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1310947200 | 2011 | 335000 | /company/contently | enterprise | Founder Collective | |
2103 | 2103 | 1643 | /financial-organization/high-peaks-venture-partners | High Peaks Venture Partners | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1341792000 | 2012 | 300000 | /company/tripl | social | High Peaks Venture Partners | |
2294 | 2294 | 867 | /financial-organization/inter-atlantic-group | Inter-Atlantic Group | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1172707200 | 2007 | /company/loan-servicing-solutions | finance | Inter-Atlantic Group | ||
2884 | 2884 | 1368 | /financial-organization/new-york-city-investment-fund | New York City Investment Fund | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1362096000 | 2013 | 1200000 | /company/shapeways | ecommerce | New York City Investment Fund | |
3172 | 3172 | 714 | /financial-organization/quotidian-ventures | Quotidian Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Quotidian Ventures | |
3179 | 3179 | 1416 | /financial-organization/quotidian-ventures | Quotidian Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1344902400 | 2012 | 900000 | /company/smartasset | finance | Quotidian Ventures | |
3181 | 3181 | 714 | /financial-organization/quotidian-ventures | Quotidian Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1351123200 | 2012 | 1000000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Quotidian Ventures | |
3189 | 3189 | 543 | /financial-organization/quotidian-ventures | Quotidian Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1322697600 | 2011 | /company/fieldlens | mobile | Quotidian Ventures | ||
3190 | 3190 | 813 | /financial-organization/quotidian-ventures | Quotidian Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1267401600 | 2010 | /company/knodes | analytics | Quotidian Ventures | ||
3195 | 3195 | 1643 | /financial-organization/quotidian-ventures | Quotidian Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1341792000 | 2012 | 300000 | /company/tripl | social | Quotidian Ventures | |
3266 | 3266 | 186 | /financial-organization/rho-capital-ventures | Rho Capital Partners | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1258848000 | 2009 | 15000000 | /company/bluefly | ecommerce | Rho Capital Partners | |
4281 | 4281 | 594 | /financial-organization/zelkova-ventures | Zelkova Ventures | USA | NY | New York | New York | other | 1251331200 | 2009 | 1200000 | /company/fynanz | enterprise | Zelkova Ventures | |
1803 | 1803 | 115 | /financial-organization/ge-capital | GE Capital | CAN | Ottawa | Ottawa | other | 1363132800 | 2013 | 40000000 | /company/asi-system-integration | consulting | GE Capital | ||
1763 | 1763 | 828 | /financial-organization/founders-fund | Founders Fund | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | other | 1291161600 | 2010 | 100000 | /company/lascaux-co | design | Founders Fund | |
3000 | 3000 | 773 | /financial-organization/omidyar-network | Omidyar Network | USA | CA | SF Bay | Redwood City | other | 1288569600 | 2010 | 3500000 | /company/jumo | social | Omidyar Network | |
3080 | 3080 | 229 | /financial-organization/pinnacle-ventures | Pinnacle Ventures | USA | CA | SF Bay | Menlo Park | other | 1306886400 | 2011 | 5000000 | /company/buywithme | ecommerce | Pinnacle Ventures | |
3562 | 3562 | 930 | /financial-organization/silicon-valley-bank | Silicon Valley Bank | USA | CA | SF Bay | Santa Clara | other | 1249430400 | 2009 | 2500000 | /company/mediamath | advertising | Silicon Valley Bank | |
3568 | 3568 | 1511 | /financial-organization/silicon-valley-bank | Silicon Valley Bank | USA | CA | SF Bay | Santa Clara | other | 1373500800 | 2013 | 2000000 | /company/sumall | enterprise | Silicon Valley Bank | |
3631 | 3631 | 175 | /financial-organization/softtech-vc | SoftTech VC | USA | CA | SF Bay | Palo Alto | other | 1266451200 | 2010 | 1500000 | /company/bitly | web | SoftTech VC | |
3993 | 3993 | 612 | /financial-organization/triplepoint-capital | TriplePoint Capital | USA | CA | SF Bay | Menlo Park | other | 1292371200 | 2010 | 15000000 | /company/gilt-groupe | fashion | TriplePoint Capital | |
890 | 890 | 27 | /financial-organization/best-funds | BEST Funds | CAN | Toronto | Toronto | other | 1374105600 | 2013 | 3000000 | /company/acuityads | advertising | BEST Funds | ||
2752 | 2752 | 348 | /financial-organization/mmv-financial | MMV Financial | CAN | Toronto | Toronto, Ontario | other | 1263340800 | 2010 | 3000000 | /company/correctnet | analytics | MMV Financial | ||
3220 | 3220 | 799 | /financial-organization/rbc-venture-partners | RBC Venture Partners | CAN | Toronto | Toronto | other | 1317427200 | 2011 | 3000000 | /company/kinetic-social | analytics | RBC Venture Partners | ||
4234 | 4234 | 571 | /financial-organization/wellington-financial | Wellington Financial | CAN | Toronto | Toronto | other | 1337040000 | 2012 | 4000000 | /company/foliodynamix | finance | Wellington Financial | ||
248 | 248 | 1080 | /company/national-institutes-of-health-nih | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | other | USA | MD | Washington DC | Bethesda | other | 1378857600 | 2013 | 1700000 | /company/oligomerix | biotech | National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
1119 | 1119 | 313 | /financial-organization/comerica-bank | Comerica Bank | USA | VA | Washington DC | Reston | other | 1373587200 | 2013 | 30000000 | /company/collectivemedia | advertising | Comerica Bank | |
2789 | 2789 | 431 | /financial-organization/national-science-foundation | National Science Foundation | USA | VA | Washington DC | Arlington | other | 1356998400 | 2013 | 1300000 | /company/dmetrics | analytics | National Science Foundation | |
4018 | 4018 | 1704 | /financial-organization/u-s-department-of-energy | U.S. Department of Energy | USA | DC | Washington DC | Washington | other | 1297036800 | 2011 | 4800000 | /company/veeco-instruments | hardware | U.S. Department of Energy | |
35 | 35 | 849 | /company/ben-franklin-technology-partners | Ben Franklin Technology Partners | unknown | other | 1297382400 | 2011 | 400000 | /company/liftdna | advertising | Ben Franklin Technology Partners | ||||
103 | 103 | 439 | /company/chase-banking-corporation | Chase Banking Corporation | unknown | other | 1330560000 | 2012 | 20000 | /company/domino-street | web | Chase Banking Corporation | ||||
113 | 113 | 1380 | /company/columbia-venture-competition | Columbia Venture Competition | unknown | other | 1270080000 | 2010 | 15000 | /company/showme | education | Columbia Venture Competition | ||||
192 | 192 | 912 | /company/harvard-university | Harvard University | unknown | other | 1367366400 | 2013 | 75000 | /company/mark43 | software | Harvard University | ||||
305 | 305 | 1458 | /company/stagg-capital | Stagg Capital | unknown | other | 1167609600 | 2007 | 34000000 | /company/spiralfrog | games_video | Stagg Capital | ||||
407 | 407 | 826 | /company/us-special-operations-command | US Special Operations Command | unknown | other | 1282521600 | 2010 | 170000000 | /company/l-3-gcs | messaging | US Special Operations Command | ||||
912 | 912 | 1430 | /financial-organization/blue-ridge-foundation | Blue Ridge Foundation | unknown | other | 1341100800 | 2012 | /company/socratic-labs | education | Blue Ridge Foundation | |||||
1200 | 1200 | 25 | /financial-organization/crystal-financial | Crystal Financial | unknown | other | 1375833600 | 2013 | 35000000 | /company/active-international | advertising | Crystal Financial | ||||
1237 | 1237 | 714 | /financial-organization/deming-center-venture-fund | Deming Center Venture Fund | unknown | other | 1297036800 | 2011 | 20000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Deming Center Venture Fund | ||||
3468 | 3468 | 439 | /financial-organization/sba-loan-chase | SBA Loan - Chase | unknown | other | 1338508800 | 2012 | 25000 | /company/domino-street | web | SBA Loan - Chase | ||||
3948 | 3948 | 594 | /financial-organization/tourne-view-ventures | Tourne View Ventures | unknown | other | 1251331200 | 2009 | 1200000 | /company/fynanz | enterprise | Tourne View Ventures | ||||
4308 | 4308 | 332 | /person/alan-meckler | Alan Meckler | unknown | other | 1311984000 | 2011 | 300000 | /company/consumerbell | web | Alan Meckler | ||||
4379 | 4379 | 714 | /person/andy-keller | Andy Keller | unknown | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Andy Keller | ||||
4598 | 4598 | 714 | /person/dave-mcclure | Dave McClure | unknown | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Dave McClure | ||||
4737 | 4737 | 714 | /person/don-hutchison | Don Hutchison | unknown | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Don Hutchison | ||||
4796 | 4796 | 332 | /person/esther-dyson | Esther Dyson | unknown | other | 1311984000 | 2011 | 300000 | /company/consumerbell | web | Esther Dyson | ||||
5330 | 5330 | 332 | /person/matt-mihaly | Matt Mihaly | unknown | other | 1311984000 | 2011 | 300000 | /company/consumerbell | web | Matt Mihaly | ||||
5574 | 5574 | 332 | /person/richard-titus | Richard Titus | unknown | other | 1311984000 | 2011 | 300000 | /company/consumerbell | web | Richard Titus | ||||
5576 | 5576 | 714 | /person/rick-devos | Rick DeVos | unknown | other | 1312761600 | 2011 | 30000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Rick DeVos | ||||
5602 | 5602 | 714 | /person/robert-semmens | Robert Semmens | unknown | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Robert Semmens | ||||
5603 | 5603 | 714 | /person/robert-semmens | Robert Semmens | unknown | other | 1312761600 | 2011 | 30000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Robert Semmens | ||||
5671 | 5671 | 714 | /person/sam-yagan | Sam Yagan | unknown | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Sam Yagan | ||||
5720 | 5720 | 714 | /person/simon-gelfand | Simon Gelfand | unknown | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Simon Gelfand | ||||
5778 | 5778 | 714 | /person/teddy-schiff | Teddy Schiff | unknown | other | 1316390400 | 2011 | 810000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Teddy Schiff | ||||
5779 | 5779 | 714 | /person/teddy-schiff | Teddy Schiff | unknown | other | 1312761600 | 2011 | 30000 | /company/immersive-labs | analytics | Teddy Schiff |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE "Investments" (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "manualSort" BLOB DEFAULT 1e999, "Company" BLOB DEFAULT 0, "investor_permalink" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_name" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_category_code" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_country_code" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_state_code" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_region" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_city" BLOB DEFAULT '', "funding_round_type" BLOB DEFAULT '', "funded_at" BLOB DEFAULT NULL, "funded_year" BLOB DEFAULT 0, "raised_amount_usd" BLOB DEFAULT 0, "gristHelper_Display2" BLOB DEFAULT NULL, "Company_category_code" BLOB DEFAULT NULL, "Investor" BLOB DEFAULT '');