4 rows where funding_round_type = "other" and investor_region = "Washington DC" sorted by id
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: funded_year
id ▼ | manualSort | Company | investor_permalink | investor_name | investor_category_code | investor_country_code | investor_state_code | investor_region | investor_city | funding_round_type | funded_at | funded_year | raised_amount_usd | gristHelper_Display2 | Company_category_code | Investor |
248 | 248 | 1080 | /company/national-institutes-of-health-nih | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | other | USA | MD | Washington DC | Bethesda | other | 1378857600 | 2013 | 1700000 | /company/oligomerix | biotech | National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
1119 | 1119 | 313 | /financial-organization/comerica-bank | Comerica Bank | USA | VA | Washington DC | Reston | other | 1373587200 | 2013 | 30000000 | /company/collectivemedia | advertising | Comerica Bank | |
2789 | 2789 | 431 | /financial-organization/national-science-foundation | National Science Foundation | USA | VA | Washington DC | Arlington | other | 1356998400 | 2013 | 1300000 | /company/dmetrics | analytics | National Science Foundation | |
4018 | 4018 | 1704 | /financial-organization/u-s-department-of-energy | U.S. Department of Energy | USA | DC | Washington DC | Washington | other | 1297036800 | 2011 | 4800000 | /company/veeco-instruments | hardware | U.S. Department of Energy |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE "Investments" (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "manualSort" BLOB DEFAULT 1e999, "Company" BLOB DEFAULT 0, "investor_permalink" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_name" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_category_code" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_country_code" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_state_code" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_region" BLOB DEFAULT '', "investor_city" BLOB DEFAULT '', "funding_round_type" BLOB DEFAULT '', "funded_at" BLOB DEFAULT NULL, "funded_year" BLOB DEFAULT 0, "raised_amount_usd" BLOB DEFAULT 0, "gristHelper_Display2" BLOB DEFAULT NULL, "Company_category_code" BLOB DEFAULT NULL, "Investor" BLOB DEFAULT '');